In an ever-evolving digital landscape, keeping your children safe online is more important than ever. Not only the amount of time they spend online and the apps and websites that they use but also, the type of content that they can access.
There are many benefits to children having use of the internet, helping them learn, socialise and feel connected to friends and family. In years gone by, parents could not see where their children were outside the home but apps like FindMykids mean that you can keep an eye on their location should you be concerned about their whereabouts.
It’s a fine line between allowing your kids independence- an ever-losing battle on the parent’s end as you prepare them for their adulthood, it’s important to have conversations with your children and teenagers about keeping themselves safe online including what information should and shouldn’t be shared online and what to do if they come across harmful content. UK Safer Internet Centre has great advice for both parents and children regarding internet safety.
Many schools now provide e-safety lessons, usually provided by eternal experts, it may be worth speaking to them if you have any concerns about your child’s online activity and how best to monitor their usage. QLine IT provides software to protect Young People in children’s homes, but the same software can be used at home.
Educating your child on the potential dangers online means keeping yourself informed and up to date on internet safety and security. If you see something in the news, have a conversation with your child about how they would handle that situation, it’ll give you an open platform to engage and advise them on how to keep themselves safe.
Having appropriate controls is another aspect of keeping your kids safe online- what may be considered appropriate for a 15-year-old will differ from what you would allow a younger child of say 10 or 11 to see Internet matters has a fantastic guide on age-appropriate internet activity. They have a very useful section on setting up parental controls, so your kids see content that’s appropriate to them.
As parents, we want our kids to enjoy using technology for fun and education, but we also want them to be safe. Finding the right balance between these two elements makes for happy parents and happy children.